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John Betts Primary School

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Breakfast Club

John Betts Primary School Breakfast Club aims to provide pupils of all ages with a safe and fun place to start their school day. Breakfast Club is open to all pupils and we will do our best to accommodate the needs of your child.   If your child has special needs/disabilities and requires extra support, please discuss this with the Breakfast Club staff.


The club will provide a quiet space (for reading, etc.) and a free play area, as well as more structured activities.   Each morning a nutritious breakfast will be provided and the children will be encouraged to help themselves, sit down, talk together and then clear up their dishes. At the end of the session, we hope that the children will be fed, happy and ready to learn.


The club will run from 8.00 - 8.55am every weekday during term time (excluding Inset days). Your child(ren) can be dropped off at any time between these times via the front door on the right hand side. At 8:55am the children will be escorted to the playground to line up for the start of the day.  


We provide a healthy breakfast and we encourage all children to eat and drink something.
Everyday we offer:

  • A choice of at least 3 different cereals.
  • Toast with a selection of spreads (e.g. Jams, Marmite and Marmalade)
  • Fruit yoghurt
  • Fruit juice, milk (soya available on request) and water.
  • A selection of fresh fruit.


Occasionally, the menu is supplemented with seasonal treats: different bakery goods; porridge; or foods from around the world to reflect the curriculum in school. Where possible, any special diets will be catered for.


We serve breakfast until 8.30am. If a child arrives after 8:30am, they will be given a cereal bar and a glass of juice or water.


The cost of the club is £4.00 per day, per child. Subsidised places may be available for children in receipt of Pupil Premium. The cost does not change depending on the time you arrive or if you choose not to have breakfast with us.


Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and all bookings and payments must be made on the School Gateway App. Bookings close at 4.00pm on the day before the club.


Payment is required at the time of booking using the School Gateway payment system.


We have a limited number of spaces in upper KS2. If you are interested please contact us at to arrange a tour