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John Betts Primary School

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Pupil Voice and School Council

Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) says that children and young people should have a say in decisions that affect their lives.  A school council can provide a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.


Each year, two representatives from each class are democratically elected to represent their class as members of the John Betts School Council.  This is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to voice their ideas, opinions and to see democracy in action as a component of British Values.


In every classroom, there is a 'Suggestion Box' for pupils to raise issues to be discussed in our regular School Council meetings.  This enables all pupils in the School to have a real say in issues that affect them and to know that their opinions count.


The John Betts School Council Constitution


Councillor Behaviours and Attitude

  • The council shall be made up of two representatives from each class.
  • A councillor, once elected will be on the school council for one year.
  • Councillors, as representatives of pupils of the school agree to maintain the highest standards of behaviour.


Voting and Selection Procedures

  • Councillors are elected via a democratic class vote.
  • A councillor should be a role model for good behaviour in the school.  


Structures and Procedures at School Council Meetings

  • School Council meetings will usually be held once per fortnight.
  • Minutes will be taken at every school council meeting and every decision made will be written down.


Promoting the School Council:  Giving the School a Community Voice

  • The School Council will have a noticeboard in a prominent place in the school.
  • There will be a school council suggestion box in each classroom for children to make comments to their councillors.
  • All members of the school will be informed of the decisions the council has taken – either through assemblies, class notifications or the minutes which will be publicly available on the notice board.
  • The council will have the responsibility to think of ways to help the local community become a safer, healthier and/or more peaceful place to live in.

What changes have our school council made?

  • Upgraded playground equipment 
  • Introduced friendship bench
  • Expanded Buddy Reading System 
  • Top Table 
  • Introduced lego to the playground
  • Outside reading area 

School Council Assembly


We have a limited number of spaces in upper KS2. If you are interested please contact us at to arrange a tour