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John Betts Primary School

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Our School Day

The School Day


The school day runs from 8.55am to 3.30pm. Gates open at 8.45am.


Breakfast Club

For children in our breakfast club, the school day begins at 8.00 am. A breakfast of toast, cereal, yogurt and fresh fruit plus juice is provided. For further details, please read here.


If you are interested in using our breakfast club to allow you an earlier start, please book your place on line via the School Gateway App in the same way you book all other clubs but before 4.00pm on the day before. 

This is a very popular club with a limited number of places and so to ensure we are able to accommodate your child you are advised to book your places well in advance if you know the dates you will need to use this facility. 


The School Day

The school day begins at 8.55am; Access to the school is via the back gates. With the exception of Year 6 children who may travel to school by themselves, all other children from Reception through to Year 5 need to have an adult with them who is responsible for them in the playground prior to the morning bell.

The back gates are kept open until 9.05am so if you arrive late after this time your child will have to access school via the office door in Paddenswick Road next to the bus stop.

    Lunchtimes are staggered (12-1.30pm), with Reception children starting at 12pm.


    Pick-up time

    The school day for all children, with the exception of those staying for clubs, ends at 3.30pm.

    Children are collected from the back playground.

    If your child stays for a club you should collect them from the back playground an hour later at 4.30pm





    We have a limited number of spaces in upper KS2. If you are interested please contact us at to arrange a tour