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Primary Shakespeare Company (2021-2022)

Turn, hell-hound, turn!

Year 5 performed Act V of 'Macbeth' at LAMDA. They were praised not only for their acting and singing but also for their focus and behaviour. They did us all proud, and we definitely have some budding actors amongst us! 

So much blood!

Lady Macbeth is battling her demons but will her servants expose her for what she really is?

Meanwhile, Macbeth is readying himself for a battle. 'No man born of woman' can defeat him - but is there a twist in the tale?

Are those trees from Birnam Forest on the move - are they coming to Dunsinane?

Are the witches' prophecies coming true? 

Year 5 are racing towards their performance at LAMDA on June 16th. 'Hang the banners!'

Out, damned spot! Out, I say!

Year 5's workshop with Primary Shakespeare Company had them putting together some moves to music to show Lady Macbeth's madness in washing her hands of King Duncan's blood. Then we learned lines and came up with some actions to show her slowly going mad under the watchful eye of the servants and doctors! 

Warriors, Thanes and Witches Beware!

Year 5 had their first workshop with the Primary Shakespeare Company today. We got to grips with the setting, characters, plot and dastardly deeds of Macbeth. 

Primary Shakespeare Company Touring Performance of Macbeth

Year 5 are underway with their Shakespeare Project. The Primary Shakespeare Company delivered a jaw dropping performance of 'Macbeth' - gruesome and funny!   We are looking forward to getting to grips with the story a bit more and understanding the characters and their motives. Bring on the drama! 


Please call the school office on 02087482465 to book yourself onto a school tour which will take place every Tuesday morning at 9.30am - 10.30am throughout the autumn term starting on the 24th September.