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Primary Shakespeare Company (2022-2023)

Shakespeare's famous love triangle comes to John Betts. 

Year 5 have been immersing themselves in everything Twelfth Night this term. The play centres on the twins Viola and Sebastian, who are separated in a shipwreck. Twelfth Night's plot deals with orphaned twins, shipwrecks, love triangles, and more.


We have been focussing on Act V of William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night". In this final act, we will see the resolution of the play's multiple plotlines, including mistaken identity, unrequited love, and the confrontations between characters. As the play draws to a close, we see the culmination of the characters' journeys as they come to terms with their true identities and their feelings for one another. This act is filled with humour, romance, and a touch of magic, as the characters find their path towards a happy ending.


Sit back, relax, and let Year 5 take you on a journey through the closing act of this beloved play.

A taster session

We were very fortunate to kick off our Twelfth Night experience with a musical storytelling version of Twelfth Night. It was devised and performed by MA Actor-Musician students from Rose Bruford College of Speech and Drama.



Year 5 dived into Act 1 by creating a whole class soundscape of the terrible storm that caused Viola and Sebastian’s ship to sink off the coast of Illyria. Next, the children wrote atmospheric setting descriptions.

Boom! Crash! The ship rocked violently in the tempestuous ocean, its wood creaking and groaning under the relentless assault of the waves...

Act II delivered some cheeky tomfoolery. Malvolio receives a love letter. Thinking it from Olivia, our own Year 5 Malvolio's wrote their own love-drenched responses to the forged letter which was actually written to him by Maria's not-so-fair hand - pretending to be Olivia! Confused yet? 

Your smile is warm, like a summer's breeze...

Love is in the air!

Year 5 have also written love poems inspired by the romantic goings on in Twelfth Night and newspaper reports on the duel between Sir Andrew and Cesario...

The Twelfth Night drama workshops begin...

Over the summer term, Year 5 have worked with a Primary Shakespeare Company drama practitioner who has taught them not just drama skills but confidence and life skills. 


Year 5 have carried out a series of problem solving challenges over the term - which have all been linked to Twelfth Night and the Year 5 Curriculum - including perimeter, angles, time, and multiplication.


If music be the food of love, play on! 

Year 5 took to the stage with 2 other primary schools, to perform Twelfth Night to an audience of parents and carers at LAMDA's Sainsbury Theatre. They had their own dressing rooms and were treated like professionals. And that they were! Bravo! 

What did you like about the Primary Shakespeare Company project?

Still image for this video


We have a limited number of spaces in upper KS2. If you are interested please contact us at to arrange a tour