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John Betts Primary School

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Writing at John Betts


John Betts begins with a quality text by a significant author. This text provides the context for learning and development of skills. Children become immersed in the text through carefully planned and engaging starting points; they might have a visitor to their classroom, a message from a character or a drama experience. Opportunities for developing punctuation, grammar and spelling are embedded throughout the sequence of work, along with regular written outcomes. Each sequence of work will result in a purposeful and sustained piece of writing.


Children at John Betts also have opportunities to produce some non-narrative writing that reflects the topic being studied by the class that term. Whilst the narrative sequence based on a quality text is being followed, children build up an understanding of their topic by exploring it through the different subject areas. This understanding, along with explicitly taught writing skills leads to quality outcomes. Throughout the year children are provided with extended opportunities to write across the curriculum with clear purpose. 


We have a limited number of spaces in upper KS2. If you are interested please contact us at to arrange a tour