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John Betts Primary School

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Keeping Children Safe

John Betts Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all members of the school community to share this commitment.

The school ensures that the principles identified below, many of which derive from the Children Act 1989, are followed by all staff.


  • All children have a right to be kept safe and protected from abuse.
  • Child abuse can occur in all cultures, religions and social classes.
  • We must be sensitive to families’ cultural and social backgrounds.
  • Children must have the opportunity to express their views and be heard.
  • If there is a conflict of interests between the child and parent, the interests of the child must be paramount.
  • The responsibility to initiate agreed procedures rests with the individual who identifies the concern.
  • All staff must endeavour to work in partnership with those who hold parental responsibility for a child.
  • Information in the context of a child protection enquiry must be treated as CONFIDENTIAL and only shared with those who need to know.
  • All staff have appropriate and regular training.


All visitors and volunteers should have a DBS check, which they must present to the school office when visiting or volunteering for the first time, along with some form of photo identification.

If any member of the school community has significant concerns about any child they must make them known to the Designated or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads without delay.

These concerns may include:

Physical abuse

Emotional abuse


Sexual abuse

Identifying cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) and Forced Marriage


Please click on the following links for further and more detailed information from the DfE:

Working Together to Safeguard Children’ July 2018 

'Keeping Children Safe in Education - Part 1' September 2020 


Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Louisa Perez (Deputy Headteacher)


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Jessica Mair (Headteacher)


Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy



Contact details

Designated safeguarding lead (DSL)

Louisa Perez

See contact details of school office

Deputy DSL

Jessica Mair

See contact details of school office

Designated teacher

Emily Flynn

See contact details of school office

Local authority designated officer (LADO)

Megan Brown

Designated Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection

Aidan Coburn

See contact details of school office

Chair of governors

Sophy Doyle 

Channel helpline


020 7340 7264

NSPCC have created a video to help you talk to your child about how to keep themselves safe, what is acceptable and who is safe to talk to if they are feeling unsure.   To view this video please click here


Please call the school office on 02087482465 to book yourself onto a school tour which will take place every Tuesday morning at 9.30am - 10.30am throughout the autumn term starting on the 24th September.