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John Betts Primary School

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How To Help At Home

As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children's schools, the children do better and have better feelings about going to school. In fact, many studies show that what the family does is more important to a child's school success than how much money the family makes or how much education the parents have. There are many ways that parents can support their children's learning at home and throughout the school year.


Daily Home Reading

Every child is expected to read daily at John Betts. Reading Records should be completed with a comment and should travel between home and school. Staff read these comments regularly.


Here are some top tips to help you 'build a bookworm'

1. Make books a part of family life – Always have books around at home. That way you and your children are ready to get reading, even if it’s only for ten minutes.

2. Join your local library – Get your child a library card. They’ll be able to get their hands-on hundreds of fantastic books, as well as the latest video games, blu-rays and DVDs. Let them choose what they want to read to help them develop their own interests.

3. Read about something they’re interested in – Help your child find the right book for them. It doesn't matter if it's fiction, poetry, comic books or non-fiction.

4. All reading is good – Don’t rule out non-fiction, comics, graphic novels, magazines or leaflets. Reading is reading and it’s all worthwhile.

5. Get comfortable! – Snuggle up together somewhere warm and cosy, whether it’s in bed, on a beanbag or on the sofa. And make sure your child has somewhere comfy to read on their own too.

6. Ask questions – Before reading a book, you could ask your child what they think the book could be about by looking at the cover. To keep them interested in the story, ask your child questions as you read. Start with ‘Where did we get to last time?’, ‘Can you remember what’s happened so far?’ and 'What do you think will happen next?' or 'Why do you think this character did that?'.

7. Read whenever you get the chance – Have a book or magazine with you for any time your child has to wait, like at the doctor's or the dentist.

8. Read favourites again and again – Encourage your child to re-read the books and poems they love. Re-reading helps to build fluency and confidence.

9. Enjoy bedtime stories – Read with your kids at bedtime as often as you can. It’s a great way to end the day and to spend valuable time with them.

10. Make the most of rhyme and repetition – Books and poems with rhymes and repeated words or phrases are great for getting your kids to join in and remember the words.


For more information about reading, please visit the English curriculum page:


Maths Passports

Maths Passports are a strategy used to develop and improve children’s mental maths skills. Each child (from Year 1 to Year 6) has been allocated a passport with a series of targets set out in continents. As children progress through each passport, the targets get progressively more challenging, with an aim to develop basic number skills and instant recall in all objectives. All passports are matched to meet the individual needs of children, which will allow them to progress through the passports at their own pace.


Please take the time to find out what Maths Passport Target your child is on and by using the information on the school website about Maths Passports, please support them in practising their skills. This could be in the car, at teatime, in the bath, before bed... anytime! It does not need to be a formal, sit-down session, but it does need to be a daily practice in order to increase fluency.


The Maths Passports can be found in their sequence here:


Should you have any queries regarding the Passports, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher.



Mathletics is an online systems of maths games, activities and challenges which are regularly set as part of home learning for maths. The concepts the children practise are revision of what has been learnt in class or a consolidating task. The teachers are able to see which tasks children have completed and how successful they were in each task.


Real World Experiences

Learning isn't all about sitting down! There are many experiences parents can provide for children at low cost which will help them to develop a better understanding of the curriculum and the world. Here are some examples:


*  Cooking - strong links with literacy, maths and science.

*  Shopping - helps to consolidate maths concepts, including round, measurement and money.

*  Travelling - even travelling around London pupils get the chance to read maps, timetables and see new things.

*  Learning together - It can be a very bonding experience to learn something together and you will be the model of a 'life-long learner' for your child.  There are many free tutorials online including drawing, science experiments, origami, languages, instruments and sewing amongst many more!

*  Visiting interesting places - things like museums and galleries are often not expensive and teach children critical thinking, empathy, and other generally important skills and dispositions. Trips to museums also help get kids excited about school subjects.

*  Playing - All children love to play and improve their communication through games of all types. For younger children, don't forget the old favourites (playdough, finger paints, bubbles and water play).


If you have any specific queries about helping your child, please ask your child's class teacher.

For information on Special Educational Needs at John Betts Primary School please click here.


Please call the school office on 02087482465 to book yourself onto a school tour which will take place every Tuesday morning at 9.30am - 10.30am throughout the autumn term starting on the 24th September.