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John Betts Primary School

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School Day

The school bell rings at 8.55am when all children should be in the playground lined up in their classes.   The school day finishes at 3.30pm.


Morning break runs from 10.30-11.00am when the children will have a 15 minute assembly and a 15 minute playtime.


Lunch break is as follows:

12 midday until 1.15 pm - Reception

12.15pm until 1.30pm for Years 1/2

12.30pm until 1.30pm for all other year groups


A typical week equals 32.5 hours 


An extended school day runs from 8.00am with Breakfast Club, and until 6.00pm with our after-school provider - Aktiva.


Please call the school office on 02087482465 to book yourself onto a school tour which will take place every Tuesday morning at 9.30am - 10.30am throughout the autumn term starting on the 24th September.