Everybody knows that learning to read is a fundamental skill for life. We recognise and value that learning the skill of speaking and listening are fundamental in supporting children's ability to read and write. We therefore provide multiple opportunities for children to share their ideas, thoughts and opinions through discussion. Teachers and Teaching Partners provide ample opportunities for back and forth interaction to model new language as well as how to conduct a skilled conversation. As a result of these approaches children expand their vocabulary and comprehension skills which enables them to read with confidence.
Reading Records
All pupils have a reading record. For young children this serves as a dialogue between the class teacher and parents about:
For more fluent readers in Year 2, and for all readers from Year 3 onwards, the reading record becomes something else: a record of a child’s personal response, in writing, to the books they are reading.
Reading for Pleasure
We value reading for pleasure highly and work hard as a school to grow our Reading for Pleasure pedagogy.
‘Reading for pleasure is the single most important indicator of a child’s success.’ (OECD 2002)
Every classroom has an inviting book corner that encourages a love for reading. We curate these books and talk about them to entice children to read a wide range of books. Buddy readers are paired to children from older classes to foster a love of reading and interactions that encourage conversations around stories. Termly visits to the local library empower children to access reading resources outside of school.