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Parent Governor Vacancy

There is currently a vacancy for a parent governor on the governing body of John Betts School, and an election will take place shortly. Any parent who is elected must have a child at the school at the time of the election, but may continue to serve as a governor for 4 years if he or she wishes, even if his or her child leaves school during that time.


Being a parent governor requires time, energy and commitment. The role provides strategic support for the schoolParent Governors are very important in the life of the school: they need a strong commitment to improving outcomes for children, the inquisitiveness to question and analyse, and a willingness to learn. They also need good inter-personal skills and sufficient numeracy skills to understand data. 

The governing body seeks to secure or develop a range of skills across the membership and as a result of the latest skills audit has identified finance expertise and IT/computing as key skills it is currently seeking. Full training will be given and the vacancies are open to all parents, but anyone with relevant experience in any of these areas would be very welcome.

All parents and guardians of children at the school are eligible to stand as candidates, and vote at the election. If there are more candidates than vacancies a ballot will be held. Each parent/guardian will have one vote for every parent governor vacancy.

If you would like to be a candidate you should return the nomination form that you received by e-mail by Thursday 7th October (end of the school day). You can nominate yourself, or you can nominate another parent; please check with them that they are willing to stand and ask them to sign the nomination form and the declaration in the spaces provided.

If you have any questions about what is involved please feel free to contact me or Sophy Doyle (current Chair of Governors) via the school office, or any existing governors. You can also find lots of relevant information on


We have a limited number of spaces in upper KS2. If you are interested please contact us at to arrange a tour